My emblem

My emblem

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Unit 1 (Asking for and giving personal information )

  • What is your name?           My name is wiliulfo.
  • How old are you?              I am 19 years old
  • What do you do?               I am student 
  • How are you?                    I fine, thank you.
  • What color are your eyes?  My color eyes are brow
  • Where are you from?         I from Ixtulco
  • Where are you live?           I live in Ixtulco
  • What is your telephone number?  My telephone number is 2411377199
  • What is your nationality?     I m mexican

Unit 3 (sports)

Sports are important to do for a healthy life.
I like and practice the football.
These are some sports:
  • basketball
  • football
  • baseball
  • hockey
  • swimming
  • volleyball
  • Tennis
  • Soccer

lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010

Conversation of video

* hi! my mane is Carlos, I´m 19 years old.
_ What´s up Carlos, I´m Wiliulfo, I´m 19 years old.
* And, how are you?
_ I´m fine thank you, but my brother travelled to chiapas.
* Really, and What did he visit?
_ He visit an ecotourit place, I think that he was to the Lacandona jungle.
* And, What activities did he do?
_ He swam on the waterfall, he walked on the jungle and so on.
* So good, once, I travelled to New York, is a big city, I visited the central park and the liberty statue, this city is a crawed place and surprissing.
_ How are the people.
* the people are kind and crude as anywhere.
_ I don´t like the crude people. but I like travel to interesting places. And what do you say me?
* I don´t like to go shopping.
_ Really, I like to buy clothes, as, blue and black jeans, sweaters, t-shirts, sneakers, glasses and boxers.
* So good. and on the other hand, how is your family?
_ My family is fine thanks, my father is working in a company, my mom is at home, and my brother is  married.
*    that´s goood.. and.. What are you doing now?
_ I´m working
* Really,  where?
_ Now I´m in a company, anot long time ago, I was traveling.
* And, What countries didi you visit?
_ I was on U.K. Germany, France and USA.
* Well, and How are the people?
_ The german and french women are beautiful
 *I believe you
_ and you..
* I´working,  I, pilot
_ Wow really ít´s so good.
* Thanks, but, before I worked of taxi driver
_ And Can you fly alone?
* yes I can
_ On the other hand... do you play sports?
* Yes i do
_ What can you do?
 *I can swim, climb, run and so on, Why?
_  Because I´m in a soccer team , Do you like play?
* Yes of course, where?
_ The field is in front of the hospital next to the supermarked.
* well, I see you later
_ o.k.


sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010

Unit 3 (Talking about abilities )

I can                                                         I can not
* I can play football                            * I can not fly
* I can run                                            * I can not lie
* I can ate any foot                             * I can not sing
* I can cook                                           * I can not swim

Unit 3 (Describing routine activities )

The first thing I do is get up late every day, no breakfast in the morning, I go to school Monday through Saturday, taking two bus, I  leave school and get home at 5 pm, and at 5:30  rest a while and then do my homework, at night I go for a ride and I sleep like at 12 am.That is basically my routine.

Unit 3 (Talking about occupations and sports )

Doctor                         Fireman
Policeman                   Dentist
Nurse                           Scientists
Artist                            Secretary
Butcher                       Carpenter
Hairdresser                 Cashier
Mechanic                    Architect
Lawyer                         Musician
Engineer                      Teacher
Laborer                        Pharmacist
Librarian                      Painter
Dressmaker                 Housewife

A conversation:
       A -Hi!
B * Hi! I listened that your father already is a famous artist
A - Yeah! He is painter. And your parents?
B * So, my father is an architect and now is work in a trade center
A - Fine. And your mom?
B * She is a housewife and your mother?
A -My mother is secretary and work in a company
B * Ok, very good. See you
A - Bye

Unit 2 (Talking about likes and dislikes )

  •  I like
I like the sports, travel to places, relax, the animals, walk.

  • I dislike

  • I dislike the onion, the people aggressive and stupid,  lies.

    Unit 2 (Asking and answering about age)

    A *Hi! My name is Lucas and you?
    B -Hello! I am Rafael, and how old are you?
    A *I m 18 years old and I am student
         and you?
    B -I m 19 years old and I work in a factory
    A *Ok. See you
    B -Good bye

    Unit 1 (Talking about occupations )

    Doctor                         Fireman
    Policeman                   Dentist
    Nurse                           Scientists
               Artist                            Secretary

    Hairdresser                 Cashier
    Mechanic                    Architect
    Lawyer                         Musician
    Engineer                      Teacher

    Unit 1 (Talking about nationality and countries )

    Canada                      Canadian
    Australia                    Australian
    England                      English
    France                        French
    U.S.A                          American
    Spain                          Spanish
    Peru                            Peruvian
    Mexico                       Mexican
    Italy                            Italian
    Japan                         Japanese
    Egypt                         Egyptian
    Germany                  German
    China                         Chinese
    Greece                       Greek
                Russia                       Russian

    sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

    My dream house:

    Come in, there is the living room, to left there is the dining room,
    in front there is the kitchen and back there is the Gym and the study room.
    So, go to right there is the living room you see there is the gambling room,
    in front there is the stairs and back there is the garage and the bathroom.

    In the second plant first there is my room, go front there is the bathroom, other room,
    the Spa and other room, and if you go to left there is the terrace.
    This is my dream house!!!

    Brainstorm about Clothes

    Sweater                         Coat                                                                
    T-shirt                            Boxer         
    Shoes                             Brand     
    Sneakers                        Belt     
    Skirt                                Bikini          
    Shorts                            Tanga         
    Jacket                             Top  
    Jeans                              Watch        
    Gloves                             Ring       
    Boots                               Sandals     
    Hat                                   Glasses
    Blouse                             Smoking  
    Dress                               Suit          
    Scarf                                Tie      
    Pans                                 Baby doll       
    Cap                                   Sleepers      
    Reboso                            Pajama             
    Tennis                              T-sweater           
    Heels shoes                                         


    Green                  brown
    Black                    blue
    Orange                red

     I am wearing a blue shirt, black pants, brow necklace a ring in my hand right, white tennis and boxer.