My emblem

My emblem

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Unit 1 (Asking for and giving personal information )

  • What is your name?           My name is wiliulfo.
  • How old are you?              I am 19 years old
  • What do you do?               I am student 
  • How are you?                    I fine, thank you.
  • What color are your eyes?  My color eyes are brow
  • Where are you from?         I from Ixtulco
  • Where are you live?           I live in Ixtulco
  • What is your telephone number?  My telephone number is 2411377199
  • What is your nationality?     I m mexican

Unit 3 (sports)

Sports are important to do for a healthy life.
I like and practice the football.
These are some sports:
  • basketball
  • football
  • baseball
  • hockey
  • swimming
  • volleyball
  • Tennis
  • Soccer

lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2010

Conversation of video

* hi! my mane is Carlos, I´m 19 years old.
_ What´s up Carlos, I´m Wiliulfo, I´m 19 years old.
* And, how are you?
_ I´m fine thank you, but my brother travelled to chiapas.
* Really, and What did he visit?
_ He visit an ecotourit place, I think that he was to the Lacandona jungle.
* And, What activities did he do?
_ He swam on the waterfall, he walked on the jungle and so on.
* So good, once, I travelled to New York, is a big city, I visited the central park and the liberty statue, this city is a crawed place and surprissing.
_ How are the people.
* the people are kind and crude as anywhere.
_ I don´t like the crude people. but I like travel to interesting places. And what do you say me?
* I don´t like to go shopping.
_ Really, I like to buy clothes, as, blue and black jeans, sweaters, t-shirts, sneakers, glasses and boxers.
* So good. and on the other hand, how is your family?
_ My family is fine thanks, my father is working in a company, my mom is at home, and my brother is  married.
*    that´s goood.. and.. What are you doing now?
_ I´m working
* Really,  where?
_ Now I´m in a company, anot long time ago, I was traveling.
* And, What countries didi you visit?
_ I was on U.K. Germany, France and USA.
* Well, and How are the people?
_ The german and french women are beautiful
 *I believe you
_ and you..
* I´working,  I, pilot
_ Wow really ít´s so good.
* Thanks, but, before I worked of taxi driver
_ And Can you fly alone?
* yes I can
_ On the other hand... do you play sports?
* Yes i do
_ What can you do?
 *I can swim, climb, run and so on, Why?
_  Because I´m in a soccer team , Do you like play?
* Yes of course, where?
_ The field is in front of the hospital next to the supermarked.
* well, I see you later
_ o.k.


sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010

Unit 3 (Talking about abilities )

I can                                                         I can not
* I can play football                            * I can not fly
* I can run                                            * I can not lie
* I can ate any foot                             * I can not sing
* I can cook                                           * I can not swim

Unit 3 (Describing routine activities )

The first thing I do is get up late every day, no breakfast in the morning, I go to school Monday through Saturday, taking two bus, I  leave school and get home at 5 pm, and at 5:30  rest a while and then do my homework, at night I go for a ride and I sleep like at 12 am.That is basically my routine.

Unit 3 (Talking about occupations and sports )

Doctor                         Fireman
Policeman                   Dentist
Nurse                           Scientists
Artist                            Secretary
Butcher                       Carpenter
Hairdresser                 Cashier
Mechanic                    Architect
Lawyer                         Musician
Engineer                      Teacher
Laborer                        Pharmacist
Librarian                      Painter
Dressmaker                 Housewife

A conversation:
       A -Hi!
B * Hi! I listened that your father already is a famous artist
A - Yeah! He is painter. And your parents?
B * So, my father is an architect and now is work in a trade center
A - Fine. And your mom?
B * She is a housewife and your mother?
A -My mother is secretary and work in a company
B * Ok, very good. See you
A - Bye

Unit 2 (Talking about likes and dislikes )

  •  I like
I like the sports, travel to places, relax, the animals, walk.

  • I dislike

  • I dislike the onion, the people aggressive and stupid,  lies.

    Unit 2 (Asking and answering about age)

    A *Hi! My name is Lucas and you?
    B -Hello! I am Rafael, and how old are you?
    A *I m 18 years old and I am student
         and you?
    B -I m 19 years old and I work in a factory
    A *Ok. See you
    B -Good bye

    Unit 1 (Talking about occupations )

    Doctor                         Fireman
    Policeman                   Dentist
    Nurse                           Scientists
               Artist                            Secretary

    Hairdresser                 Cashier
    Mechanic                    Architect
    Lawyer                         Musician
    Engineer                      Teacher

    Unit 1 (Talking about nationality and countries )

    Canada                      Canadian
    Australia                    Australian
    England                      English
    France                        French
    U.S.A                          American
    Spain                          Spanish
    Peru                            Peruvian
    Mexico                       Mexican
    Italy                            Italian
    Japan                         Japanese
    Egypt                         Egyptian
    Germany                  German
    China                         Chinese
    Greece                       Greek
                Russia                       Russian