My emblem

My emblem

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Final Work "Digimon Vs Pokemon"

I am going to compare Digimon Digital Monster's program to Pokemon's program. Because I saw these two programs when I was little boy. In first these programs come from Japan, they are cartoons and they make reference to fantastic worlds where the creatures with powers exist that they can evolve, the same way that wonderful landscapes, cities and many battles between creatures.

• These two cartoons are very similar, the first cartoon is the Digimon is developed with a group of children who traveled to a digital world; in the Pokemon program the children do not travel to another world, but is not the real world as we know it.
• Digimon as famous as Pokemon 
• In Digimon are amazing and fantastic creatures called "Digimon"; in Pokemon there are wonderful creatures, called "Pokemon."

• In Digimon each children pick a Digimon; in Pokemon the Children caught and trained the pokemon and could have more than one pokemon.
• In Digimon are strong in battles against other evil Digimon to save the digital world; in Pokemon battles there to win medals and become the best Pokemon trainer.
• Digimon as wonderful and fantastic as Pokemon
• In Digimon like another world, there are also many beautiful places great; in Pokemon is like the real world but with forests, mountains and places full of different Pokemon rare but wonderful scenery.

• Neither of the two cartoons kids' parents do not intervene in the history.
• Digimon is more funnier than Pokemon

My opinion is:

Digimon as good as Pokémon, but Pokemon don´t have as many beautiful places and creatures as Digimon because it is a digital world, although Pokemon is more interesting than Digimon. So, I like more Digimon because Pokemon don´t have as fantasy and amazing things and creatures as Digimon.

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011

Carlos AlberTo: ConversaTion

Carlos AlberTo: ConversaTion: J = Jonathan W = Wiliulfo C = Carlos F = Félix J: Hi! Guys W: Hey, what´s up C: What´s up men F: What are you doing? J: I´m studing W: Why ...

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

Unit 3 English

J: Jonathan
C: Carlos
W: Wili
F: Felix

J: Hi!! Guys
W: Hey, what´s up!
C: What´s up men
F: What are you doing?
J: I´m studying
W: Why are you studying?
J: Because, I´m going to do an exam
C: Really, I ought to study too, what about you Felix?
F: I too, but I have to go to asesories
W: So, bad
J: But on the other hand, what´s new?
C: I have worked
F: Where are you working?
C: In a zoo
W: I have visited my girlfriend
J: I´m checking my car
F: You car, Why?
J: Because my car have been falling
W: Really, you should take with a mechanic
C: On the other hand, where is your girlfriend?
W: She lives in Switzerland
F: No way, and you traveled to this place?
W: Yes, that place is very beautiful and the people are nice and the women are very hot!!!
J: I believe you
C: You should present me some girls
F: Yes, this is true
W: Maybe, when I return
C: Hey I´m going to go a party. Do you wish to go?
F: Really! Where?
C: In the Rumba bar
W: Yes, I´m going to go
J: I don´t know, but maybe I will go
F: If there are girls and beer I see you in this place
C: Ok. Then see you later
W: Fine
J: Bye
F: See you

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

conversation (2 partial)

W = Wiliulfo
F =Félix
J =Jonathan
C =Carlos Alberto

W - Hi classmate!!!
F – Hey How are you?
J – I am doing my homework
C – What about is your homework?
J – It is about biographies
F – Biographies? About who?
J – About famous people in biotechnology area
W – Really, it seems very interesting!!
F – I did a work about of Watson and Crick and your discovery of the DNA structure
C – This is very interesting, but the studies of Gregor Mendel are more interesting tan Watson and Crick
J – Who is Gregor Mendel?
C – He was an Agustino monk
W – Really, I do not know this, even if one month ago, I did a work about Louis Pasteur
F – Luis Pasteur? Who is him?
W – He was a scientist, he discovered the pasteurization
J- They were a great scientist, but are not more interesting than the transgenic plants.
C – This topic is very controversial
F – And, what do you know about this topic?
J – This plants are more effective than the ordinary plant.
C – I think this is true
F – I have eaten transgenic corn, and the flavour is more stranger than the ordinary corn
J – Yes, but this plants contain more carbohydrates
W – The importance of the transgenic corn is combat the world hunger
C – Yes, you are in the correct!!!
F – I gotta get out
J – Yes I too
W – Bye
C – See you son.

martes, 7 de junio de 2011


Carlos: What are you doing?
Wili: What´s up! Man
Felix: I play video games. Do you play whit me?
Carlos: Yes, I do
Wili: This video game is hard but it´s great!
Felix: Yeha! Pac man can be a great challenge
Carlos: Yes, but it´s funny. I played it before
Wili: Have you ever finished the game? Because I have not
Felix: My neither
Wili: What about you Carlos?
Carlos: No, would you like to go buy a beer?
Felix: Sure
Wili: Yes, I am tired
Carlos: And, where do you want to go?
Felix: I want to at the “Moon men`s club”
Wili: I have heard good thing about this place
Carlos: Yeah!! This place is very great
Felix: But, I think that this place is more expensive
Wili: No problem!!!
Carlos: Yes, we gonna go only for a moment
Felix Then I will call you at 8:00 o´clock
Wili: Yes, see you
Carlos: Bye

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011


W – Wiliulfo
J – Jonathan
C – Carlos

C: Hi guys!, What`s up!
J: Hi fried, What´s new
W: Hey What´s happed
C: Nothing, what are you doing?
J: I go to my home, but, I met Wil
W: I had gone at the park whit my girlfriend, and you?
C: I´m going to work
J: Really, Where are you working?
C: I´m working in a restaurant, but only midday, and , How are you?
W: I´m fine , but my family have travelled to Veracruz
J: Really , in the news told that the weather will be very hot in these days
W: Oh ! really , I don’t know
C: and , why didn´t you go whit your family?
W: Because, I have gone, and I must go to the school
C: this is right, And you, What have you done?
J: I have gone to travel recently
W: Really , Where did you go?
J: I went to Oaxaca, The travel was long, but, this worthwhile
W: So good, and the other hand, how are your family?
C: My family is fine, my brother is going to travel to USA, I think for business
J: So good, and the other hand, Will you go the vive latino?
C: I don´t know, I don´t have money for the moment , and you?
W: Maybe, I don´t know yet, and you?
J: No I won´t go this year
C Have you gone?
J: Yes, I went once whit some friends
W: And How was it, tell ours
J: Well , I only tell ours This is a crazy!
W: Why?
J: Well, because, there are music, beautiful girls and beer
C: Yes I understand you
W: I have seen it only on the T.V.
C: Yes, I too
J: We should go the next year
W: Yes, this is a good idea, and you
C: Sure I will go to
J: and on the other hand, tonight will have a party
W: Really, where?
J: At the friend´s home, Do you want to go?
W: sure
C: I´m sorry, I can`t go
J: Why?
C: Because I´m going to go whit my girlfriend at movie
W: well I will go, how can I arrive?
J: I will call you in the afternoon
W: Well that is it
C: I gotta get out, I´m going to work
W: Yes I gotta get out too
J: Well, see you soon
W/C: Bye


jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Restaurant conversation

CARLOS:  Good morning, follow me please.
WILI: Yes, thank you.
JONATHAN: Could you bring me the menu?
CARLOS:  Yes of course
WILI: I want the menu too, please.
CARLOS:  Here is it.

WILI: What will you eat?
JONATHAN: I’m not sure. I haven’t decided yet.
WILI: I think, I will eat roast beef.
 JONATHAN: Could you recommend something?
WILI: I don’t know, you should ask the waiter.
JONATHAN: Yeah you are right.
WILI: Excuse me, waiter.

CARLOS: Are you ready to order?
WILI: Yes, I want soup and roast beef
CARLOS: Ok. and you?
JONATHAN: Yes, I want soup, but could you recommend the main dish?
CARLOS: Yes, there are salmon with vegetables, salad or ostrich fillet with rice and carrots.
JONATHAN: I think, I will eat the salmon with vegetable salad
WILI: Excuse me, could you bring me the ostrich fillet instead of roast beef.
CARLOS: Yes of course. What are you going to drink?
WILI: I want a glass of beer please
JONATHAN: I want a glass of wine please
CARLOS: Very well, coming up
CARLOS: Bon appétit

JONATHAN: Excuse me waiter
CARLOS: Yeah, Do you wish something else?
WILI: Could you say us the desserts?
CARLOS: Yes, there are ice cream flavor chocolate, strawberry and nut. Neapolitan flan and chocolate cake.
JONATHAN: I want strawberry ice cream
CARLOS: I recommend the Neapolitan flan
JONATHAN: Well, then Neapolitan flan
CARLOS: All right
WILI: I wish chocolate cake please
JONATHAN: Excuse me, but can you give me only a small portion please?
CARLOS: Do you wish something else?
WILI: Yeah, I want a cup of tea
JONATHAN: I want a cup of coffee
CARLOS: Coming up
WILI: Excuse me, I don’t have spoon
CARLOS: Sorry, here is it
JONATHAN: Excuse me, where is the bathroom?
CARLOS: At the end of the hallway
JONATHAN: Thank you
WILI: Waiter! Can you bring me the check place?
CARLOS: Here is it. Do you wish something else?
JONATHAN: Nothing more, thanks
WILI: Good bye
JONATHAN: Good bye
CARLOS: See you soon

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011


-What’s up wiliulfo! How are you?
·         I ‘fine, thank you. And you?
-I`m well too, were you here in your vacations?
·         No, I went to Canada
-Really! How was your travel?
·         It was long and uncomfortable, the foot was good and the sight was beautiful.
-And what did you do there?
·         I went to make ski, I stayed in a cabin and I climb a mountain. And I ate fried chicken, beer, tea and coffee. It was very cool!!! And how your last vacations?
-My vacations was cool, I went to The Vegas. It was a long travel, but it comfortable.
·         Really!! The Vegas?? How is this place?
-Well, in this place there are very casinos beautiful girls, very entertainment, and more things
·         And what did you do in your vacations?
-Well, I tell you went I arrived to airport I lost my baggage but after that I did not have set back, and I went to hotel. At night I was in a casino for five hours, I went to at disco with a friend
·         Ok, well, I see you later
-Yes, good bye


Hello! My name is Billy. I was born in Tlaxcala about 18 years ago. I love football and all sports. I love music and dancing. My parents are from Tlaxcala. I went to kindergarten in the community where I live. When I was in elementary school my brother was born. I went to secundary "Tecnica  # 23" Every one of my vacation I was going to work with my uncle. After I was 15 years old I went to the Preparatory “CECYTE O8 "although I did not go to that school, learned a lot of about electricity. I wanted to go to college "UPT" in mechatronics but I discovered that I don’t like that, so I took one of the most difficult decisions, which was to change of career, my mom did not like the idea but I still change of career. I hope to finish this career just to prove I did the right way decition. And after I want to work to be something important in my life.